My bio mom

So i was adopted within my fam by my dads mom when i was 8 due to my parents using drugs. I stopped contacting my bio mom around that time and haven't really thought about her till recently. Shes tried contacting me since i turned 18 (im 19 now). Im 10 weeks pregnant and i cant stopped thinking about the fact that she found out and how hard it must be for her to know that shes going to have a grandkid. I cant decide if i should reach out or not. The last thing i heard about her is that shes clean but im also scared if i contact her she wont be. Has anyone gone through this or can offer advice?
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As someone who was adopted due to similar situations and who has many(like 7) siblings I’ve never met, this is what I told my brother (we have the same mom): as of right now they are all happy, married, loved and successful in my mind. But in reality, they are most likely in jail or doing drugs. (The road they were heading down when we were seperated) once you let them into your life and open that door, there is no closing it, good or bad. I would not risk it because I can’t risk it being the latter around my children. It’s not worth it to me.

Hey I think you should give it a try & reach out to her . Everyone makes mistakes nd deserves a 2nd chance. I’m sure she would b excited she’s going to be a grandma . She might b a better grandma den mom .jus tell her the moment u go down that same path you & ur bby gone for good

I went no contact with my mom at around your age. It’s been almost 10 years since she kicked me out bc she didn’t believe her husband is a pedo. I recently got back into contact with her about 6 months ago? I’d had a miscarriage and felt pulled to tell her about it, since I figured family had told her about the pregnancy. I thought maybe she’d feel some remorse or guilt bc she found out thru the grape vine about her daughter being pregnant, but she didn’t. I realized that I can’t apply the same maternal emotional range that I get from my grandmother (she took me in as well). And so I adjusted my expectations, to not having any at all for her. I speak with her about once a month maybe not even that frequently, but since I’ve gotten pregnant again… I haven’t really spoken to her outside of telling her about it. She causes me to much emotional and mental stress. I’ve set boundaries for the future and she’ll just have to deal with them bc the situation she’s in is her own making.

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