Am I crazy to prefer a scheduled c-section to an induction?

This is all in theory, I haven’t been offered either yet but I have a feeling I might (over 35 with a >90% baby). From what I read on induction they are very painful, often don’t progress as expected and might end up with an emergency c-section anyway, after laboring for hours. On the other hand, a planned c-section would most likely have way less variables and I have read mostly good things (again, talking about a planned one, not emergency). Also, a lot of fhe typical downsides of a c-section don’t really apply to me: I don’t want any more kids and I will have family help the first 3 months of baby’s life to the point where I expect to be able to lay in bed and just breastfeed/snuggle with baby. Of course I don’t really want a huge cut on my belly and I understand it can bring other problems later on, but at least I won’t have the mental trauma of an induction coupled with potential other emergency situations. Am I delusional here? If I do get a planned c-section I would likely ask for a tubal as well, so that would cover future birth control as a plus.
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I didn’t have a horrible induction, but my baby also was said to be on the bigger side and he came out to be 6 lbs. 11 oz. be careful how much you listen to them about how big your baby is because 90% of the time they’re wrong

I’m doing planned c section, why take the extra risks. My worst nightmare would be 30 hours of labour then being told vitals are dropping and going for an emergency c. Calm planned controlled and baby in your arms in less than an hour 🥰 each to their own and best to chat to your doctor about it but I’ve been told it’s just too risky for me to go natural or induction, but my list of risks is lengthy

@Pia agreed, I would be very upset to go through hours of labor and then end up with a c-section anyway. Worst case scenario. A planned one sounds much more calm.

I did a c section because of the fears you have with a induction didn’t want to endure hours of labor just to get a c section, before my baby was born I was told he was in 99th percentile and was about 9pounds, when he was born they were actually correct he was indeed in the 99th percentile and was 9 pounds and 4oz (sometimes they aren’t it just a estimate), my son went straight to size 1 diapers 😭, I had GD btw The first week was hard and I’m thankful for my mom help I had to stay on top of my meds, but week 2 I was fine I was able to wake up for the night feeds and be much more independent Do whatever you think will be best for you because at the end of the day it’s YOUR birth experience

Absolutely not. I had a scheduled c-section and I have had zero regrets. Do what feels right for you. You know best what you need. ❤️

Baby #1 for me was an emergency c-section. I wish I had listened to my first doctor at my first prenatal appointment who told me to have a planned c-section. It would have saved me a lot of pain and discomfort. Baby #2 is going to be a planned c-section for sure. The scar is so low I never wear anything that low so I don’t mind it. The only thing I had issues with was IBS and I’m not sure if that was because of the c-section or just aftermath of pregnancy. Best of luck!

I was induced at 41+5 and went into labour half an hour later and gave birth 5h later. Yes, was painful but the first time I gave birth so no way to compare with the non-induced pain. But the pain was not as bad as what I expected. Also my baby was supposed to be on the bigger side. According to them around 9 pounds. He was only 7.7lbs in the end - so yeah, scans have a big margin for error

You’re not crazy at all. C-section is big surgery, but there is a lot to be said for a calm scheduled situation. It sound like you’ve really thought it through well

I was induced with my first child had a pessary. 24h later my waters broke on there own and I then went into natural labour with no need of the drip. Baby was born 8 hours after my waters broke. Second baby I planned to do the same. I had tablets this time not a pessary, 2 days and 3 tablets later I was only at 2.5 centimeters, just enough for them to break your waters. I then waited on a ward for a delivery suit. 4 days I waited on a ward, not in pain Finally my time came and I had my waters broken and was put on a drip. The pain from the drip wasn’t bad but every time they increased it enough to get a strong contraction my baby’s heart rate would drop. They took me off it for an hour then tried again as I was adamant I was not having a c section. It got to 12 hours of stopping and starting the drip before I had had enough of hearing baby’s heart rate drop. I had an emergency c section. The recovery wasn’t too bad just difficult when you have another child aswell as baby.

My induction was sucky and almost ended in a c-section after about 30 hours at the hospital. Needed a vacuum to get him out. My husband would go for a planned c-section in a heartbeat because it was so traumatic. I’m having faith it will go better this time since there are good induction stories too. I want another kid after this one so it’s worth it to me. If I was done and wanted my tubes tied, I’d probably consider the c-section if it were offered.

I'm sure there are plenty of positive stories to being induced but mine was unfortunately not one of them and I ended up with an emergency C-section (after about 37 hours), I wouldn't blame anyone for agreeing to a planned C-section if there were problems and I have said I would have a planned if the next one seems it could potentially be a problematic birth. You are not delusional at all do what you feel is best/safest for you and your baby ❤️

My baby was measuring big and I had gestational diabetes. I did not want an induction for the same reasons. I never dialated and she did come out big, she would have been bigger if I didn’t have my scheduled c section. It was so smooth and the recovery was great. I don’t regret it. My doctors were supportive of my choice as well.

I'm booked in for an induction on Thursday if baby hasnt arrived by then, by this time I will be 41+5! I'm absolutely terrified of the induction process, my first baby came naturally without any induction but my labour was over 40 hours and I know I can't cope with that again. The midwives haven't even mentioned c section to me but I feel at this stage that would be my preferred option. I have a MW appointment on Tuesday and feel like I will ask about it and see what they say.

I had a sweep and my waters broke, if your waters break you have 24 hours for baby to be born so after labouring for around 9 hours I was given a drip which they use when you get induced. I got to 8cm dilated and then had to have an emergency c-section as my baby was jn distress and I started bleeding. I then had to be put under general anaesthetic as the spinal top up wouldn't work and I could still feel everything when they did the final checks. Next time around, I will 100% be asking for a scheduled c-section as me and my husband missed my baby being born and I missed the first few hours of her life.

No not at all I had an elective last time and I’m having one this time I don’t have any medical reason I just found the recovery easy, and the whole birthing experience was amazing it was so calm and relaxed and didn’t feel 1 bit of pain not many people can say they didn’t feel any pain during child birth I was up and walking 2 hours later

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You are not crazy at all. I had an induction at 40 weeks, it started on Friday afternoon and baby was born Monday early morning. It was very painful and I had to get an epidural, what wasnt my first choice. Baby was big, 9lbs 2oz, his shoulders got stuck and I had a 3rd degree tear. Recovery took 8 weeks and I was in a lot of pain for at least a month. The meds the doctor prescribed didnt help much. I was lucky to have family helping because of the amount of stitches. I had a hard time moving around, sitting or even just staying in bed for 4 weeks as well.

My induction was long and it was terrible. Almost ended in emergency c section but ended up being a forceps delivery. I am on the fence about a planned c section when we have another baby.

Crazy? No. Do I agree with having a planned C-section if there is no medical reason? No. I used to think a C-section was a cop out so women wouldn't feel any pain during childbirth. Well, let me tell you.... It's not a cop out. A C-section is a MAJOR surgery and recovery sucks. I have had a vaginal and a C-section so I've had both. Giving birth is such a beautiful process. And while I understand your reasoning of wanting something planned vs emergency, there's something so special about the whole process of pushing your baby out. I'm not trying to sway you one way or another, just giving my experience and point of view.

Birth 1: I had GD and was told she was already getting to be a big baby and that I'd need a C-section. It wasn't what I wanted so I pushed for a vaginal delivery. At my 37 week appointment, they told me that I can be induced but it needs to happen ASAP. I was induced the next morning. I had an epidural about 7 hours in, which, in hindsight was very premature because I hadn't been in any pain yet. But I got scared because my doctor told me that she had to break my water and it was going to hurt because I had some scar tissue that she would need to break before being able to break the water so she offered me the epidural at that time and I agreed. I was in labor for about 20 hours total and pushed for 66 minutes. I felt ZERO pain. I cried....tears of joy having my baby girl put in my arms. All that hard work was so worth it. It was beautiful. She ended up being 8 pounds 13 ounces, so yes, a bit on the bigger side. But I pushed her out and I was so proud. And I immediately knew I wanted to do this again!

Birth 2: Another GD pregnancy. At 37 weeks, I was induced again. I was so excited to push my little man out and I was determined to do it without an epidural this time because I wanted to feel labor. My induction started out great, but then the fetal monitor started detecting my son's heart rate dropping with each contraction and then my contractions started getting longer which meant his heart rate was taking longer to get back to normal. He had the cord wrapped around him which was what was causing his heart rate to drop. It was no longer safe for me to push him out so they stopped the induction in order to prep for a C-section. It wasn't a planned C-section, but it also wasn't considered an emergency since they had time to prep for it. I cried the whole time...from the moment they told me I needed a C-section until even after he came out. Because I didn't want a C-section and I was sad that I wasn't able to push him out.

Obviously, I'm extremely happy that in the end he came out healthy, but it just wasn't the way I wanted it to go. And yes, I understand that giving birth doesn't always go according to plan.

@Stephanie I don’t have a medical reason and I will always choose elective who are you to tell me what to do with MY body my recovery was so easy walking within 1 hour and back to the gym next day 😂

@Nefertary 1) I wasn't talking to you. 2) Not everyone is the same. 3) I literally am just giving MY experiences and thoughts which is what the OP was asking for. Have a great day.

I had an induction which was very painful, the pessary made baby distressed and after hours of contractions and only dilating to 4cm, along with baby's HR dropping it ended in an emergency c-section. I wish I'd just had the C-section! Xx

@Stephanie I am sorry that you had to have a c-section and that you didn’t want to have one. My husband and I are not trying to conceive our next baby yet but I know I will have a planned c-section with our next. I have no medical reason to have one but I have sexual trauma that will cause me to have one. I’d love to be able to push my baby out but I know my past and my first birth story. I say this all to bring light to anyone reading this in my same shoes.

@Stephanie you literally said you don’t agree with non medical c sections may not of been replying to me but your talking on a subject as a whole so as someone who’s chose an elective twice it does concern me 🙂

I came to realize different people have different value systems and that’s ok. Some women really want to put a lot of weight on having a natural, unmedicated even birth, while others don’t care so much as long as both baby and mother end up healthy. I’m personally in the second category and being able to give birth naturally is not really something that would give me much pride either way. It’s just a means to an end in my mind, doesn’t prove I’m a better or worse mom. But I acknowledge that not everyone thinks like me and that’s ok. So for women who chose an elective c-section for example, it’s unfortunately to be expected to hear others say things like they took the easy way out and stuff. We just have to acknowledge that others have different value systems and find pride in going through a hard labor. We each push for what’s important to us. To some is labor, to some is being able to exclusively breatfeed, to some it’s earning a lot of money to provide for the kid etc.

I love your mindset! Nice thinking🥰

I was induced with my son and I didn’t find it painful, but I ultimately ended up having to have an emergency c-section after laboring all day due to him being in distress. I’ll be doing a scheduled c-section this time because it’s twins but if it wasn’t, I would be open to an induction again. With my son I said from very early on in the labor that we should just go do a c-section because I just had a feeling, so go with your gut and advocate for yourself/baby. Don’t let them push you into something that makes you uncomfortable unless it’s a medical emergency. I even advocated to get a new nurse during labor because mine was horrid.

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