I’m bored everyday 😂

As SAHM to on infant what do y’all do all day other than tending to your baby? I feel like even just spending time with baby has become routine and whenever I’m not I’m just aimlessly scrolling cause I really have zero clue what to do with my downtime after getting all the house care and childcare out the way.
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With an almost three year old and a 8 month old there isn’t a lot of down time and house chores are never done. But I guess I like to bake. If I had more time I’d like to read more. I end up scrolling or watching a show at the end of the day just because I’m too tired for much else

I was totally the same. People were always surprised when they asked how I liked being a mom and I told them it was boring. Luckily I was doing a masters so I had something else to do but also want to let you know it does get better as they get older. Once they start interacting it’s quite fun but very busy. Then you’ll dream of those days when you had time to sit on the couch and scroll

I have an herb garden and a pansy garden! I tend to those, and I bake. I have other stay at home mom friends I talk to here and there from this app. I've met them and they're super chill

Make money for extra income & plan to garden soon. Also, reading books about your interest helps as a good pass time. You can also learn a new hobby or skill set.

@Megan Posada I’m curious what is a pansy garden

It's just a garden full of pansies lol

@Megan Posada makes sense 😭😭 I’m literally just now finding out the name of this flower I used to just call it “a flower” like the rest of them😭

Lmaooo 😭😭 no it's okay! They're really easy to take care of so I just planted a bunch of them

@Megan Posada do they attract a lot of creatures?

That’s amazing. I feel like everything is always on top of me. I always imagined being at home would be like that. Get stuff done with all this time to myself to do what I wanted. If this were my situation I would work out, read books, paint, work on various sewing projects, take free online courses. Things like that, might have been able to do that with just my eldest but my pregnancy knocked me out! Then new baby too is just, so much 🥲

I’m super bored too but I know when they reach toddler age I won’t have time to be bored lol but rn what I do when I’m bored and my daughter doesn’t need attention at the moment u can find me on discord chatting with people, trying to make mom friends, reading, watching tv, playing games

I also do cleaning etc

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