Vent - My partner left it in!

My partner and I have a 4 month old son. We’ve agreed to another in the next year or two but not now. Okay yes I’m not on contraception, honestly I stopped taking it when I was 18. I use my cycle to indicate when it’s safer etc but ultimately we use the pull out method (pls don’t judge) I’ve told my partner a few times to not leave it in from now on. I had my first period last week so I know I’m ovulating and I told him yesterday that today I’m ovulating so to be careful. This morning we did the deed and he didn’t pull out, apologises and says he forgot. I’m a combo feeding mum and it’s bank holiday! So there’s no pharmacies till Tuesday I’m so so mad! Cause it was just like “ oh sorry I forgot” Like.. it’s a whole. Human. Being. If this goes that way! And you if I take ellaone I can’t breastfeed for a week which I can’t do. I’m so so angry and he’s said I’ve apologised can we move on from it??! Tell me I’m not delusional for being mad at him still pls
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I would be passed, but only moderately bc it takes two to tango. Not judging, but I would avoid having sex during the times you know you’re going to be ovulating, pre-ejaculate also contains sperm. Either that or use a condom. I do envy your regular cycle tho. Sometimes I ovulate way earlier than I should and it made it hard to get pregnant.

Hun, I work for the nhs 111. You can call in regards to emergency contraception and we can get it sorted out for you. Call now and we can help you xx

It’s either you risk not breastfeeding your child for that week or have a whole child for a life time.

@Tevenia I completely agree! We’ve been fine for the last 6 years other than having my son which we planned for; it’s just the principle that he ignored it or ‘forgot’ and now is like oh sorry let’s move on like wtf how can he be so careless

Also not to be that guy but if you didn’t consent to him ejaculating in u it’s SA

I mean he shouldn’t have forgot but equally you know the risks of having sex when you’re ovulating.. pull out method isnt effective, precum can get you pregnant so either way you could still end up pregnant.

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