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Losing brain cells 🥲🫣

Totally exhausted but massively in Love 🥰

@Vanessa 😅😓 sometimes I just laugh at myself because nobody told me about this lol

@Em super worth it but damn. This is major character development

Oh yes indeed I have a huge age gap between mine so it's a shocker

@La-Verne gorgeous profile hun x

My son growls at me 🤷🏻‍♀️😅

Loool so does mine he's got a deep voice for a 3 month old

He pulls his hair out gags himself till he throws up... my goodness

@Em 😅😅 they’re right cheeky so and so’s I’m telling you but cute 🥰 😫 can’t be annoyed for long

@Vanessa 😂😂😂

Lool honestly 🤣. My Husband is on duty tonight so I'm sipping red wine and watching Netflix I have left them to it he just wouldn't settle this evening. How many kids you looking to have?

I’ve had a rough day, tears have been shed by all 😢 my baby has spent the whole day refusing to drink from her bottle, only playing with teat in her mouth then ended the evening wailing in hunger before crashing out asleep, she had 4 lousy 20-25 min naps. She seems ok sleeping at night still but could this all be part of Leap 4?

So far we haven't experienced sleep regression or any change in behaviour.... yet! My boy is 18 weeks now. X

I don’t know if it’s sleep regression or a leap or just developmental progression! Her naps are mad. Only 30 minutes and she can get a bit more frustrated when trying out her new skills. Hoping it will pass, I’ve actually got a sleep consultant lined up for when she’s officially 4 months. I’m considering it insurance! 😂

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Looking at the app it says we are still in leap 3! lol 😂 what’s the gap between leap 3 and 4?

Gosh I had no idea what 'Leap' was I'm really rusty ey lol

Lool my daughter too, she's started to growl and roar like a Dino 🦖

@Kate I read that it depends on your due date. Mine was 17th Jan so we are in leap 4

I don’t feel like I’m coming out of this leap alive🤣🤣

@Char💕 hahahaha!!! It's relentless

@Em it really is!!

How long do the leaps last for?

@Sonja around a month and abit I think

@Em 😭😭 Thanks Em! I think we’ve officially entered Leap 4…so it’s going to be a fun month ahead😅

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