
Hi guys, I was just wondering if anybody could help/shed some light… I keep being asked about contraception and if I’m going back on it now since having baby. Part of me wants to as I’m a single mum. I have no interest in dating but I’m also just thinking I’d rather be safe than sorry type thing.. but I’m now torn on what to do… I’ve tried the pill you take for 21 days, I’ve had the one you do for 28 days, I’ve tried the implant and all of them just made me feel horrendous like I know contraception does… has anyone had any experience with the patch? I’m not keen on the thought of the coil so would rather avoid that.
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Non hormonal IUD is the best option. All birth control messes up with your hormones, and the side effects are endless.

@Daniela thank you! I’ll look into that option as I don’t want my hormones being more all over than they already are 😅😅

I’ve heard good things about the patch but it’s not something I’ve ever tried, I was on the depo injection years ago which worked well for me apart from the weight gain but that was also down to eating like a pig 🐷 but I never had a period on the depo either and it took just over 3 years to fall pregnant and have my baby after two miscarriages xx

@Shannon ok thank you! That’s what I’m worried about. I don’t want it to be one of those that then causes me to take a while to have another baby. My little one now is my rainbow after 7 miscarriages 😩

I’d definitely speak to your doctor about it I suppose it all depends on how soon you want another baby ect and what works best for you xx

@Shannon fabulous thank you! I’ll sort out to discuss tomorrow x

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