Potty training at Daycare

Anyone else's daycare making them feel like crap (no pun intended) for their 3-year old not being 100% potty trained? I just don't want to feel like I'm all alone here. TIA!
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mines not potty trained at all. I've tried a few times, didn't wanna put any pressure on her. so I guess I'm just waiting for her to tell me she's ready. I get that doesn't work for everyone. I'm a SAHM so we don't have to worry about all the daycare things. she was in school for about a year but it just wasn't working for her. but don't feel bad mumma!

We don’t do daycare and people don’t make us feel like crap…but I can say that I myself feel like that after two years of being 50-75% of the way there and being unable to reach 100%! And we do kids’ club at the gym, and my little one said no one heard her yesterday when she had to go potty…so big poopy mess in her clothes. Child watch/daycare is sooo challenging at this stage. How do people get over this hurdle??

I mean I don’t think daycare is making us feel bad necessarily but my son is struggling to potty train. He needs a lot of reminders and I think they’re busy and he has a lot of accidents. I have him in underwear at home but he comes home from daycare in a pull up sometimes

I haven't put my daughter in our church's daycare even though it's super cheap and a great program because they wouldn't allow her in the 3 year old class without being potty trained during the day. I think that's a little ridiculous, she does use her potty to pee and poop about 5 times a day (I'm 8 weeks pregnant so I'm going to the bathroom more often) but I don't expect her to be fully potty trained yet!

@Christine this is my son exactly. He does great at home but is regressing since moving to the 3-year old's room because they don't want to deal with it. They expect him to clean himself totally by himself - basically go to the bathroom alone. Is that normal for a 3-year old to be able to do?

If daycare is making you feel that way it’s not the right place for you and children. I have moved to 4 different daycares with two of them for making me feel like a bad parent. The 2nd shut down bc it was a church and relocating across town. Somethings had the go and daycare was one of them. We would still be there if this was not the case. The one we are at now is all about serving kids and parents. With that being said unfortunately potty training is just a hard challenging time for parents. If the daycare is not willing to work with the child you are fighting a loosing battle. My child is not potty trained either but daycare is helping.

@Brooke my son can go to the bathroom all by himself at school. Sometimes he calls for help if he can't get all the poop wiped, but he's sandbagging us at home and still makes us help and go with him every time. 🙄 I doubt their intention is to make you feel like crap, but don't be afraid to push back or ask more questions. (What is their potty schedule, do they notice any cues that maybe we don't see at home, etc) My son still has accidents (especially at nap time) but we just keep extra shorts, underwear, & socks at school.

It's super normal for a 3 year old to not be dry. Ide say half the little kids I know didn't fully become potty trained till 3.5-4

Funny thing, this last week I picked up my daughter from daycare. She was playing outside and was dirty, so I had her go in her daycare room to wash her hands before coming home. At the sink they had a list of the kids in the room and which ones wore diapers vs which ones wore underwear. I made a quick count out of curiosity, as my three year old daughter is not potty trained. Of the 11 kids, 9 are in diapers! Only 2 wear underwear. I was surprised because I felt like we were behind! These are all 2.5-3 year olds.

I have given little thought to potty training. I mean we have a potty and undies but haven’t even attempted yet haha he just recently started showing interest in sitting on his potty. So, I’m kind of waiting for him to show a little more interest.. I’ve heard it’s best to wait until they are a strong interest and that it goes better. Don’t feel bad and you’re definitely not alone.

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