How to use the spoon

Hey all, so my 10-month old daughter has been using the spoon on & off. Usually only if I'm serving smth like stew or yogurt. She eats everything else with her hands. I preload the spoon and give it to her she eats it and then puts it back on the table for me to load it again. I try to hold her hand with the spoon towards the bowl so she learns how to eat directly from the bowl, but she refuses, and let's go of the spoon immediately Did anyone go through the same thing? How can I teach her ? Excuse the messy hair and overall messiness 🤣that was before bath time.
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My son does the same. It’ll take a little while I think, babies mostly learn through copying so I always eat with him and show him how I eat with utensils and we’re seeing some improvements but he still doesn’t know how to actually load the spoon and feed himself

Spoon eating is really complicated. We should expect them to be getting better at the idea of how to dip the spoon in closer to two. It takes a lot of fine motor skills to put all the pieces together so offering it consistently and modeling how to use utensils is more beneficial as they need to practice a lot.

My daughter’s 13 months and didn’t fully understand it. It takes them a while to get it right

Mine is 2 and still struggles with self feeding using a spoon

It comes with time as their fine motor skills and coordination develop. It’s quite a difficult thing to learn, takes time. My son didn’t really entertain cutlery when we started weaning,it was more of a distraction, we didn’t use it that much but he was always very good at using his hands to feed. Then suddenly around 15 months he started picking up my fork and spoon and fed himself. He’s now 19 months and eats well with a fork, spoon is still hit and miss 🙂

My son won’t give me back the spoon😂😂🤦🏽‍♀️ he would much rather throw it on the floor than give it back! Or he wants me to use the spoon for him.

Thanks everyone for sharing your experiences! I was worried I was late to teach her lol

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