SAHM- remote jobs

Hey Yall! I’m in need of some help! So I’m a sahm with my 7 month old boy and my husband works full time and he loves his job but we aren’t making enough money to cover our bills. I would hate for him to have to leave his work cause he’s finally found a job he’s been enjoying. Anyway, I would like to help with our situation. I want to get an online job but I want to stay way from call services. I have such an active baby I would have to log off for a majority of the day trying to keep him happy. Sooo if y’all know of any other jobs or opportunities that would be good for me please let me know! I have a lot of experience and I’m a fast learner. I’m located in Texas! Thank you in advance!
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My husband's coworkers wife does AutoCAD from home making 1000$/wk at 40hrs, no education. It's just making 2d models on the computer, relatively simple, but the subscription to the program is $2000/year so you'd want to secure a job prospect first if possible. You can self teach yourself

I’m in the same boat. In Florida 🙏🏾♥️

Look into freelancing data capturing work.

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