A slight rant

So me and my partner and our 10 month old baby are on holiday at the moment. We are very lucky and have a little holiday home in hastings. Every time we go away he just leaves me to deal with the little one and just goes of onto slot machines ( he only uses them when on holiday). I just have to walk little one around on my own or to the park or shopping ect. The only time in the day we spend time together is the half an hour for lunch. Last night I explained to him how exhausted I am and that I wanted to go back to home ( the holiday home ) as we were at the club house. He then said very grumpy that's fine if I go he will just have to go with me. I felt guilty so I stayed saying could we not be to long. It was gone 11pm until we left and most of that evening he didnt spend time with us he was to busy buying other people drinks ect. I was left to deal with little one for hours. I ended up just bursting into tears, I think I got overwhelmed and I said this holiday isnt just his it's a family one. He then used my bipolar against me stating I was having an episode just to upset me. Stated I didnt need a holiday as I'm only a mum and dont work and then called me a bad mum as I took myself into the other room as didnt want to cry in front of the little one and he said again to our little girl but loud enough that I heard. That " your mum is selfish and see she doesnt care about anybody else apart from herself " he then tried to then accuse me of cheating and said he would be happy if I left and whoever else could have me! We havent spoken at all yet and I just dont know what to say or do as I'm super hurt. Sorry for the long message I just needed to get it of my chest as I feel so alone right now.
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😮😮 what a dick!!! I’m so sorry he’s treating you like this!! You don’t deserve this! A mum needs a break now and then and time to herself and NOT a judgmental, gambling prick with no respect for what you do for your little one and doesn’t do his part as a father! I personally (can be a bit of a hotheaded) would fight back and get the hell out to be honest. A nice holiday house and comfy lifestyle would not shush me. Sending love , strength and a big hug 🫂 xx

This genuinely made me sad and sounds like he’s been really cruel, I hope you’re okay? I don’t know your situation or how your relationships is usually but i’d 100% be thinking whether this is the right relationship for me if I was in your position. Having a baby is really hard and changes the dynamics but there needs to be a point where your partner is supporting you as well as looking after the baby 50/50 when not at work. It’s a 24/7 job…. It sounds like it’s up to him to decide if he’s going to try and work on the behaviours which are upsetting you or you may have your answer. Best of luck, hope everything is okay x

@Fiona thank you, I am normally very hot headed but I think I am so exhausted and drained I just broke instead. It's more I dont want another failed relationship and I just keep trying but these comments he makes he does on a regular basis and it definitely has been slowly breaking me! Xx

@Lyndsey I'm ok, he tried just talking to me and said how well done that I have ruined his holiday again like I always do. That he deserves this holiday and to have his own time as he has to go back and work and that he is aloud to go and have fun. He couldn't understand that I just needed a little break as I'm exhausted. Even a lady last night came up and said to me how tired I look! It's just a bit embarrassing. I always look after her 24/7 he hasnt even bathed her since she was born but i always just took charge as he works but sometimes I just need a break and some support. Its even little things like when we go away I have to pack everything including his things, sort out the house and animals ready to go and still look after the baby so before we even arrive on holiday I am already knackered! I just hoped he might of understood and apologised but instead just got angry again and then became sarcastic over my feelings. So just left me in tears, I'm normally such a strong person! X

There’s no such thing as a failed relationship. A breakup is a win I believe, you win your life back, your time and sanity. I understand it’s a horrible feeling and because there is a child involved, but do you want this to be your daughter’s role model? Do you want her growing up thinking it’s okay for a parter to undermine her and make her cry? No, you want her to see what love, affection and boundaries look like! This person gave you sperm, not love. The fact that’s he’s worn you down means this is who he is and my lovely please find the strength for you and your baby girl to stand up. You can do this and your life can be beautiful again. xx

I’m sorry your having to deal with this. I didn’t want to read and run. This behaviour is blatantly abusive, narcissistic and textbook gaslighting which will chip away at your confidence. How dare he utilise your mental health to gaslight you for his negligent and abusive behaviour! As a child with a father not dissimilar, I would seriously think about whether you want your daughter to observe this as normality in terms of how women should be treated and to make her more vulnerable to accepting such behaviour from her own partner as an adult. Not to mention the emotional and psychological distress this will cause to you both, children are like sponges and she will already be sensitive to these sorts of dynamics. Being a mum is tough and 24/7, what about your needs, aren’t you entitled to a break and an equal partner in life and parenthood? It’s impossible for someone to change whilst refusing to take any accountability for their behaviour. You and your daughter frankly deserve better x

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