Baby Sleep

Sleep: possibly the hottest topic for new mamas. We’ve got expert advice and real stories from real mamas to help you and your baby snag a few more zzz’s with baby sleep schedules, sleep tips, and more.

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How should babies be sleeping in this heat? I feel my 2.5 tog sleeping bag is way too much.


The heat

Anyone else’s babies just sleeping so much more because of the heat. She’s been sleeping all day and just waking for feeding, then a small burst of interaction then zonked again. I’ve checked her temperature and it’s fine. I’m assuming it’s just the heat in general? Anyone else? She’s 10 weeks tomorrow.


Overtired baby

This is my second baby and I feel like I blink and before I know it she’s been awake 2/3 hours and is impossible to get to sleep!! I have a (very distracting) 3 year old too and really struggle to keep track of my daughters wake windows! I feel so bad when she’s distressed and crying purely from being tired 😪…


Different baby

My baby was 6 months at the end of April, and recently I’ve just been feeling at kind of a loss, she’s been so fussy, only wanting to nap on me, but fighting her sleep so much, anyone would think I’m murdering her when im trying to get her to sleep. And when she is awake, she’s happy for about 30 minutes ish and the...


So anxious about naps and living my life around them.

I spend my life worrying about when my lb needs to nap and time how long he has. When we’re out and about I can get really worked up and I feel like people (family) are judging me for focusing on his sleep so much. But internet says if they sleep well in the day, they will sleep better at night. Do I need to just c...


Co sleeping

Does anyone else co-sleep? I have such a love hate relationship with it. She starts off in her next to me crib but by 1/2am she’s in with me because if I put her back she won’t settle 😩 I absolutely love her sleeping on me but I just want my own bed back!


Family gatherings

Why is it whenever you're at a family gathering, other people think they can settle your baby!! LO is EBF and always feeds to sleep, even naps, but when mentioning that he is grouchy due to being tired and it may be best for me to feed him, other people suddenly thinks they can sway him to sleep (!!!) 🙃🙃



Anyone else’s baby struggling with nap time in this heat? Mine is fighting his naps & ending up really overtired😫


Moving into own room

My LB is 5 months and never been a good sleeper. It used to be 6 wakes ups a night but lately we’ve noticed he is sleeping well from 8-11pm which is when I go to bed and as soon as I get in bed he wakes up within 10 mins every night then 4/5 wake ups until about 6.30am when he’s up. I feel like it is because he ca...


Waking baby

Any BF mamas still wake baby to feed halfway through the night? 😅 my LO goes down around 8ish and i wake him at 3am for a feed but I’ve never actually seen how long he would sleep for. He then goes back down until the morning. Anyone going the full night and not feeding? Do you pump if baby is asleep? I don’t see…


5 week leap

Any of your going through their 5 week leap? My little boy is barely sleeping during the day and seems to want to breastfeed all the night and day.. how long does this leap last and any advice to get through the sleep deprivation?


Night feeding

Baby isn't waking up for feeds in the night as I'm trying to do every 3 hours but some sessions she just wants to sleep and not interested in breast or bottle. She's 9 days old now, has anyone had anything similar?


Baby not sleeping well!

Does anyone else have a baby that just does not sleep very well?! I have a 9 week old little girl who sleeps 9/10pm until about 2am, and then barely sleeps for the rest of the night! I feel like there’s pressure for your baby to sleep through the night early on so just looking for some solidarity! ❤️


Nighttime weaning.

My son is 9 months and is constantly getting me up in the night, most times he takes a dummy and a cuddle and goes back to sleep and will have one or two bottles. I’ve heard of nighttime weaning but I’m not sure how to do it or when to start.


Advice please 😭

So I’m a first time mom so any advice will be greatly appreciated. My baby is almost 4 weeks old and he wakes up screaming bloody murder for no reason and then will go back to sleep and I was wanting to know if this was normal because I’m starting to panic a little bit about it.


Sleep routine & sleepwear

When do your lo go to sleep , and how many times do they wake for a feed at night ?! So worried she might sleep thru and I’ll have to feed her in her sleep . Because of the heat . Also what is an appropriate sleepwear … I’m thinking a vest and a nappy it’s 23* in the room .. xx

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